Friday, 14 November 2014

The Avengers:

The issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice; (how does who owns a media company influence the type of film made and its potential success? For example do BIG companies make BIG films and therefore make all the money? Is it possible for small companies to succeed?)

marvel owns marvel studios which means that they will make films based on comic books containing superhero's so they are always creating superhero films from the original comic books. Big film companies mostly create blockbusters that are produced to then make large amounts of money

The importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing; (how do companies work together to produce, distribute and publicize a film? How can Disney use their size to promote and publicise a film? How can small companies work together to promote their business' when making and promoting a film?)

Convergence and synergy in production is very important in the Avengers film. This characters in the Avengers come from other films such as Captain America, The Hulk, Thor and many others are the reason for this. These characters all help to give Disney publicity as well as marketing in the media and links to YouTube showing trailers and web adverts on social media sites to get viewers interested.

The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange; (how has the introduction of digital film, 3D, DVD, Blue Ray, internet streaming, downloadable content, home cinema influenced the types of films made, the way we watch them and the way we 'buy' them?)

Since 3D films have been introduced it has made audiences more curious and they want to then go and experience a film in 3D. But recently 3D films are becoming less popular because of the extra cost to view them increasing, Because of this most people just watch the 2D version as it saves money. DVDs allow people to enjoy films in the comfort of their own homes and watch them as many times as they like without having to leave the house or pay. Blue ray also now allows people to watch HD films within their homes, this attracts people because it is the cinema experience however with less hassle. The internet allows people to stream and download content such as films,which then saves people money,
also they get all the home comforts once again saving money.These methods make it easier for people to watch films. However these factors then impact the box office, resulting in lower gross as people are finding easier and cheaper ways to watch films. At least these other methods still bring in gross resulting in a gross increase.

The significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences; (how and why have film companies had to alter the way they work now everyone has web enabled phones, PC's, consoles etc? How have audiences changed their viewing habits now we no longer need to go to the cinema to watch a film)

Films are now available to watch on smart phones, computers and consoles, because of this people are most likely to stay at home and use new websites such as Netflix. so people aren't going to go out to cinema and pay money. These sites such as Netflix are easier to access and it costs less money.

The importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences; (can you think of examples of how different technologies have come together to help the film industry?)

YouTube, Facebook and twitter advertise these films, this makes audiences produce and get excited and want to watch the new films being produced.  Web adverts are released by Facebook and Twitter and YouTube showing trailers.

The issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions; (how do film companies try and attract their audience? Do they do different things in different countries?)

The ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour. (what is your opinion on the above? Do you see the developments as a good or bad thing?)

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Representation of Ethnicity:

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of ethnicity using the following:
  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mise en scene
50 marks

EAA: Explanation, analysis, argument-20 marks
EG: Use of example-20 marks
T: Terminology-10 marks

Camera shots, angles, movement and composition:
For Camera shots Danny is lower and the terrorist is higher this represents that the terrorist has more power, this links to the stereotype that black people are the least important ethnicity. Also there are camera shots of Danny with the terrorist in the background this represents that he will not leave him alone and he cant get out of the situation also the terrorist is in control of Danny and the situation. Danny begins to get more camera shots of him as the clip goes on, this represents that Danny rises in power ad has the most dignity before his death however straight after it goes straight back to the stereotypical hierarchy. The white people are out of harms way sat in apartments or offices, this links to the stereotype that white people are law abiding. The characters that are seen to be heroic are in the scene with Danny.

There are Lots of cuts in the editing showing Danny this represents the fact that Danny is gaining more power and control because he is making the camera focus on him. The quick cuts back to Danny could also show that he his interrupting the terrorist, this could represent bravery. The shifting between cuts could also represent that the terrorist is untrustworthy, because it gives an uncomfortable feeling about the scene, and so we question the terrorist character. After Danny has been shot the camera shots of the white people are longer representing the fact that white people are more important. 

Within the sounds that are heard in the clip there are many to do with beliefs and cultures. Many of the sounds that are heard are emphasis on objects or obvious noises, however there is elements of music. The breathing heavy and crying is emphasize to represent how the characters are feeling, also it is only the woman crying which could link to the female stereotype that women are emotional. There is also emphasis on the gun shot and the clicking of the gun, this shows the viewers he is going to shoot although it leaves the viewers wondering who creating anticipation. The gun sounds also show the man has a gun and it creates the stereotypical image that the man is a terrorist.There is drumming which is leading up to an event creating tension. There is a mix of cultural music, for instance, a Spanish guitar and Muezzin style music. This represents the mixture of cultures within the scene and also highlights the fact that it could be cultural differences causing the conflict, and once again the 'law abiding' white people are out of the way and no cultural reference is made.

Mise en scene:
The main colours within the clip are dark when it is the violent scene with Danny.The dark colours represent a dark oppressive mood, also foreshadowing death.The dark colours could also represent the colour of characters skins, it just so happens that the characters with the darker skins are having the most impact within the clip. For costume Danny is wearing a smart casual outfit which could represent his personality as he is calm however he has dignity. Also Danny goes against the stereotype that men are aggressive, because even though he is going to die and the terrorist his getting his own way,he still refrains from physically hurting him. The people who are high up and powerful are represented by wearing smart formal clothing and suits.However there is a difference in power, the white 'people got their status from being law abiding and intelligent, where as the terrorist got his power from being violent and nasty. We see that the 'law abiding' white people are out of the way with ear pieces and technology this represents that they are intelligent linking to the stereotype that white people are clever. Also the shots with the white people contain brighter colours, this could represent a number of things such as; their lighter skin, happier life's and non violence.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Regional Identity:

A person’s identity rooted in setting, speech, costume and region in which they live

Areas to think about in relation to  regional identity:

  • Accents
  • Location/ setting
  • Slang
  • Clothes
  • Pastimes
  • Attitudes/Behavior
Create a research piece on the stereotypes and counter-types of the following regional identities:

  • Scottish
  • Liverpool
  • Newcastle
  • Yorkshire
  • Birmingham
  • Welsh
  • Irish
  • London
  • Essex
  • Cornwall/South West
Include examples from TV dramas and post to your blog.


strong Scottish accent
Location/ setting
Edinburgh is nice and clean with modern buildings, however other older parts of Scotland look more dirty and rough.

  • Wee = Little
  • Lass = Girl
  • Aye = Yes
  • Auld = Old
  • Bonnie = Beautiful
  • Ya Bas = You Bastard
  • Ye = You
  • Cannae = Can't
  • Bairn = Small Child
  • Deid = Dead
known for wearing kilts and hats with a pom pom on top made from tartan fabric. Also wear long nee high white socks.

A famous historical site is the stone circles. The Skara Brae are from the stone age and the best preserved village in Western Europe. Robert the Bruce won Scotland independence.Attitudes/ behavior
typically thought to go out drinking and play the bag pipes.


Still a fairly strong accent however it is not as strong as a Scottish one.
There are many old clean sites such as the Albert dock,Walker Art Gallery and The Metropolitan Cathedral. However it is also known for being dirty and busy.

  • Jarg/Blag/Plazzy = Fake
  • Lad/Fella = Man
  • Chocka = Busy
  • Bird = Woman
  • Mam = Mum
  • Swerve = Avoid
  • Ciggy/Bifter = Cigarette
  • Bevvie/Ale = Beer
  • Trabs = Shoes
  • Scran = Food 
  • Clobber = Clothes
  • Abar = About
the stereotypical image for scousers is tracksuits and gold chains. Others wear a jacket in the style of a tracksuit jacket but with other bottoms such as jeans. Also scousers are known for having big scouse brows.
Liverpool was a main city in the industrial revolution and with many large families living in dirty conditions diseases were common, so new houses and flats were built and indoor bathrooms were introduced.
The Irish are typically known for being rowdy football hooligans mad for their football club. Also they are thought to drink and look and act rough.


Strong welsh accent also speak in welsh language.
Many fields and farms set in the countryside. Other houses are in the style of farm houses singly or in clusters.
  • Wilber = Wheelbarrow
  • Tacsi = Taxi
  • Buttie = Male Friend
  • Scrut = Stupid Fool
  • Raz = Brilliant
  • Cakehole = mouth
  • Bog = Toilet
  • Munting = Ugly
  • Skavvy = Begger

Typically known for a stereotypical farmers look of wearing green, blue or cream quilted jackets and body warmers. Also wear jumpers, cream trousers that are tucked into wellingtons and flat caps. The historical look is red medieval dresses and hats in the style of top hats.
Wales is known for one of its historic tribes known as the Celts from the iron age. There are also many old stone castles and fortresses in the style of Mott and Bailey castles and concentric castles.
The welsh are known for loving rugby and drinking. Also they are stereo-typically called sheep shaggers because many of them are farmers.


A strong Irish accent.
Belfast is the capital of Ireland and like any other modern day city, it has modern buildings however it is dirty and busy.

  • Sham = Friend
  • Feek = Pretty Girl
  • Bure = Female
  • Feen = Male
  • Tool = Idiot
  • Banjaxed = Broken
  • Gammy = Useless
  • Wan = one
  • Plastered = Drunk
  • Grand = Good
  • gaff = House
  • Coddin = Joking
Stereotypically men are thought to wear green and cream farmers outfits or kilts with knee high socks. women are thought to wear medieval styled dresses. For Irish dancing the dresses are shorter with knee high socks. Like Scotland Ireland are famous for a tartan pattern however theirs is green. Or they all look like leprechauns, green suits, top hats and ginger beards.
A typical Irish trademark is the clover which is thought to be goodluck, this links to leprechauns. The Irish celebrate St. Patricks day and the RMS Titanic was built in Belfast.
The Irish are known for Irish dancing which is a particular style mainly using their feet and legs. They are also known for drinking.

Disability Clip:

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of disability using the following.

Camera shots, angles, movement and composition:
The shots of the man in the wheelchair are looking up showing he is lower down and of a lower status. Also his brother has more power then him which is why camera angles show him looking down over his brother. They are both brothers with the same genes however just because one is in a wheelchair it means they now have different statuses. There are sideways tracking shots of the man in the wheelchair, this represents the fact that he has less mobility to move because he is shown with moving shots. There are also two shots with both characters in however the standing man is the main focus showing that the man in the wheelchair is less important and fades into the background.

There are longer shots of his brother representing that he has more power and the man in the wheelchair is less important because his shots are shorter. Also most of the shots of the man in the wheel chair his able brother is with him, this represents that his brother will always be there to try and help him giving him no Independence. This shows are people think disabled people are unable to care for themselves.

There is Christmas music playing in the background which represents a cheerful mood however the characters are unhappy and trying to show they are in the Christmas spirit.
When the man in the wheel chair starts to get annoyed at his brother the faint Christmas music stops showing now there is no joy for him.

Mise en scene:
The man in the wheel chair is wearing brown boring colours, this could represent a grumpy and unhappy mood. His brother is wearing colourful patterned clothes which are fashionable, this represents that he is more happy because the bright colours reflect his mood. Also the fact his clothes are fashionable suggest he has freedom to express who he is and also more freedom physically because his brother is limited to what he can do.

 The other clothes and shop decor are glum colours such as browns and creams which can also reflect on the man in the wheel chairs mood. This can also show how he sees things, the main colours are Christmas colours such as red and greens, this could represent that Christmas is the only thing the man has to look forward to. There are shop manikins which are, of course stationary, this represents how the man in the wheelchair could feel; limited and unable.

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Representation of Disability:

Disability Stereotypes:

  • Vulnerable
  • Incapable
  • Unintelligent
  • Unattractive
  • Lonely 
  • Left out

In his 1991 study, Paul Hunt identified 10 stereotypes that the media use to portray disabled people:

  • The disabled person as pitiable or pathetic: example Christy Brown from My Left Foot 
  • An object of curiosity or violence: example Lenni from of mice and men
  • Sinister or evil: example Steve Barker from Ringer
  • The super cripple: example daredevil from daredevil
  • As atmosphere: example Becky from Glee
  • Laughable: Forest from Forest Gump
  • His/her own worst enemy: king George from The Kings Speech 
  • As a burden: example Sam Dawson from I am Sam
  • As Non-sexual: example Layla from Tracy Beaker
  • Being unable to participate in daily life: example Arnie Grape from Whats eating Gilbert Grape
Disability in TV drama:

  • Walt JR - Breaking Bad (Cerebral Palsy)
  • Artie -  Glee (wheel chair)
  • Becky - Glee (Down syndrome)
  • Layla - Tracy Beaker (Cerebral Palsy)
  • JJ - Skins (Panic Attacks)
  • Tony - Skins (Brain Damage)