Sunday 9 November 2014

Disability Clip:

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of disability using the following.

Camera shots, angles, movement and composition:
The shots of the man in the wheelchair are looking up showing he is lower down and of a lower status. Also his brother has more power then him which is why camera angles show him looking down over his brother. They are both brothers with the same genes however just because one is in a wheelchair it means they now have different statuses. There are sideways tracking shots of the man in the wheelchair, this represents the fact that he has less mobility to move because he is shown with moving shots. There are also two shots with both characters in however the standing man is the main focus showing that the man in the wheelchair is less important and fades into the background.

There are longer shots of his brother representing that he has more power and the man in the wheelchair is less important because his shots are shorter. Also most of the shots of the man in the wheel chair his able brother is with him, this represents that his brother will always be there to try and help him giving him no Independence. This shows are people think disabled people are unable to care for themselves.

There is Christmas music playing in the background which represents a cheerful mood however the characters are unhappy and trying to show they are in the Christmas spirit.
When the man in the wheel chair starts to get annoyed at his brother the faint Christmas music stops showing now there is no joy for him.

Mise en scene:
The man in the wheel chair is wearing brown boring colours, this could represent a grumpy and unhappy mood. His brother is wearing colourful patterned clothes which are fashionable, this represents that he is more happy because the bright colours reflect his mood. Also the fact his clothes are fashionable suggest he has freedom to express who he is and also more freedom physically because his brother is limited to what he can do.

 The other clothes and shop decor are glum colours such as browns and creams which can also reflect on the man in the wheel chairs mood. This can also show how he sees things, the main colours are Christmas colours such as red and greens, this could represent that Christmas is the only thing the man has to look forward to. There are shop manikins which are, of course stationary, this represents how the man in the wheelchair could feel; limited and unable.

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